Illuminating Your Path

Illuminating Your Path

Illuminating Your Path

We live in a rapidly changing world right now. We used to think that we knew what was expected of us and where we are headed, but that direction no longer seems right. We know that there is a path out there for us, but we aren’t sure where it leads, or maybe worse, we don’t know whether we are even on it.

I have spent much of the last 30 years looking for my path. In the process, I have found classes, techniques, and philosophies that have helped me understand and walk my path. It is time for me to share this information with others — to help you walk your path — or more important to help you live your dreams.

I won’t tell you what to do. I will just give you tools to help you discover your life for yourself.

How I Can Work With You

My current offerings are listed below. To get more information, click on the name or use the menu at the top of the page:

  • Pathways Meetings — A set of diverse guided meditations and discussions that will help you to learn more about yourself and how to better get along with others.
  • Healing Gathering Meditations — These guided meditations help you bring optimal health to every cell in your body by cultivating life, love, and peace.
  • Self-Awareness Series — These guided meditations and discussions will help you develop a deep awareness of the inner self and your relationship to the universe. This awareness will lead you to personal balance and wholeness. 
  • Life Path Coaching — Using tools from a number of coaching experts, you and I will work one-on-one to address the specific issues that you find are keeping you from achieving your goals and finding a life path that feels right to you.